May 2013 Newsletter
May 29, 2013
“Moja kwa moja” (Swahili for “one by one” or “one step at a time”) seems to be the theme for May, 2013. Though we would like to report spectacular successes this month, the work seems to have been more like a slow but sure plodding along toward the goal of sharing the Good News, relieving suffering, and hopefully some prevention of illness here in Tanzania. Due to newly hired staff, we have again had to spend much more time working in the clinic and far less in evangelism than we would have liked. Much of our recent evangelistic focus has been to help mature the new Christians who were baptized earlier this year. Also, we are using part of May to visit the USA in order to attend our son Luke’s May 19th medical school graduation. Lord willing, we will return to Tanzania on July 3.

Foundation stones for new church building at Monduli Juu. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” I Cor 3:11
But some exciting events have taken place this month, like the start of construction on a simple church building where the Christians will meet at Monduli Juu (upper Monduli). As has been previously mentioned, TCC will conduct mobile clinics periodically in this structure; these clinics will also afford opportunities to study the Bible with folks while they are waiting to see the doctor. Other outreach ideas from this facility include Women’s Days, drip irrigation farming, infant care, and nutrition teaching. Although no electricity or running water will be available at the church building, Cynthia Nobles has mentioned possibly teaching sewing classes to the community using treadle machines. Any of your ideas are welcome to help people to gain knowledge and skills to improve their lives, increase their incomes, and attract them to Jesus.
Other progress is in the works concerning the future Alpha Omega Christian Secondary School (AOCSS). This proposed secondary school to be built in Monduli is being sponsored by Tanzania Christian Services Inc., the same NGO that built and sponsors Tanzania Christian Clinic. Although the Monduli District Council has offered land on which to build AOCSS, negotiations are still ongoing for obtaining a clear land title. Deeds are rarely granted in Africa and many examples exist in which land that was donated by the government was later taken back after the work and expense of building on that land was done by others. Please pray that a clear title can be obtained and construction begun this year, as many can be influenced for Jesus and have their lives changed through that school. Also, all contributions are needed and welcome!
Speaking of needs, TCC needs an X-ray and/or ultrasound technician who could volunteer for a few weeks to help us upgrade our imaging department. Though the equipment is in place and all government requirements have been met, TCC has not been able to find a local who can help us get started. Please pray about this and let us know if you are available to assist in this area.
TCC patients request ultrasounds and X-rays. Can you help?
Lastly, the wildlife in Tanzania always offers us diversion and excitement. Every morning our brave German Shepherd “Phlebitis” barks repeatedly as he sees and smells elephants grazing on a hillside near TCC, and last week he scared up an unwanted visitor. As the outside workers were slashing grass with machetes in our front yard, a five-foot long black spitting cobra stood up and spit into Phlebie’s eyes. Although cobras are very accurate, the snake was far enough away that little of the poison reached our dog’s eyes and we neutralized what was there with a milk eyewash. Though the incident temporarily raised everyone’s blood pressure, how thankful we are that no lasting damage occurred to workers or guard dog!
Tunawapenda sana (We love you very much),
Danny and Nancy Smelser
Camera shy Tanzanian girls. Will they get a chance to attend secondary school?