December 2013 Newsletter
How the joyful Swahili and Maasai songs wafted through the open windows at the new Monduli Juu church building today! At this young congregation’s beginning in October, 2009 in a borrowed school classroom with only 14 present, today we were thrilled to have about 100 in attendance, including village officials, in the newly constructed concrete block structure. Heartfelt thanks go out to a number of Maasai and other tribes of Christians here, and well as many of you who have sacrificed to make this church’s dream of their own facility possible. Already mobile clinics and other community service projects are being planned at this building, and Bible studies continue with several residents of Monduli Juu that we hope will give their lives to Jesus in the near future. Special thanks go to the Cross Point Church in Florence, AL and the New Harvest Church in California for their prayers regarding the church at Monduli Juu.
Church begins to assemble on “Dedication Sunday” at Monduli Juu
At Tanzania Christian Clinic we also have seen tremendous growth. Just over 10,000 different patients have been treated at the Monduli facility since our 2009 startup . In addition, an estimated 2,000 have been treated through mobile clinic visits in the surrounding communities. All patients are served regardless of their social standing, financial ability, or religious affiliations. We pray that the love of Christ is evident in all the work. Many of you are partners in the TCC work and we express appreciation to all of you. Especially we thank the CompassioNow folks in California who have donated a new delivery bed to be used in TCC’s future (we hope) labor and delivery suite. Another project we continue to ask your prayers about is that the TZ government will soon approve purchase of land to be used to build a Christian secondary school of science, desperately needed in Tanzania.
Great financial progress has also been made. In the fiscal year 2011-2012, a large percentage of your donor money was needed to make the clinic solvent. In the 2012-2013 year, donor money was still required, but not nearly as much. Every week you continue to help many who can never repay you, and we thank each of you.
Heart-rending patients this month have been many seen at TCC decimated by HIV and TB, several with both, and some who had no idea of their diagnosis. But, we continue to thank our Father as the sick are cared for and the life-giving message of Jesus is shared.
Torrential rains and flooding in northern Tanzania have resulted in downed power lines and long stretches with no electricity. And, we hear that many of you are experiencing the same due to ice and snow. We pray that our Father will watch over all His children throughout the globe; truly the knowledge of Him covers the land as waters cover the sea, and His is an international kingdom without borders.
Lastly, we praise our Father as another precious one was added to His family, 13 year old Neema, who lives with her family right across the street from the clinic. After a number of Bible studies with several American and African Christians, she gave her life to Jesus today (December 10).
Neema, who wept with tears of joy at her baptism
As we enter the Christmas season, we thank God not only for the birth of His One and Only Son, but also for the new birth that Son offers each of us!
Merry Christmas with our love,
Danny and Nancy Smelser